YUM updates

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

Updates for BlueOnyx were released today and are now available through YUM.

The following update for BlueOnyx was released today and is now available through YUM:



Transaction Summary
Install      0 Package(s)
Update       1 Package(s)
Remove       0 Package(s)

Total download size: 93 k

These package addresses the following issues:


This RPM installs a fixed "Cobalt Migration Utility". The CMU released last week (the one that fixed the missing mail spools after a CMU restore) had some issues. It was no longer possible to cmuImport from platforms older than a BlueQuartz (like RaQ550, RaQXTR or RaQ4). This has now been fixed.

For BlueQuartz only:

Furthermore we released a PKG that allows to install this latest version of CMU on platforms powered by our sister project BlueQuartz. This updated CMU provides the BlueQuartz CMU with the following new capabilities and fixes:

  • Ability to import BlueOnyx sites and users
  • Ability to import BlueApp sites and users
  • Fixes empty mail spool issue after cmuImport

The BlueQuartz PKG (it's really only needed on BlueQuartz - not BlueOnyx!) is available here.

Jun 3, 2009 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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