5211R: AlmaLinux 9.4 released, ISO image updated

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

AlmaLinux 9.4 has been released and YUM updates for BlueOnyx 5211R are available. Additionally updated ISO images for 5211R as well as VMDK and VDI installation images have been published.


Today AlmaLinux released AlmaLinux 9.4.

BlueOnyx 5211R YUM/DNF updates:

After some quick testing we found out that YUM/DNF-Updates of BlueOnyx 5211R from AlmaLinux 9.3 to 9.4 would fail due to a dependency error related to ImageMagick. We then published an updated ImageMagick to the BlueOnyx 5211R YUM repositories and seamless YUM/DNF updates of BlueOnyx 5211R are now possible.

BlueOnyx 5211R ISO image updated:

An updated ISO image of BlueOnyx 5211R directly based on AlmaLinux 9.4 has been released and can be downloaded from our mirrors.

Updated VMDK and VDI images:

As usual we also published updated VMDK and VDI disk images of BlueOnyx 5211R on AlmaLinux 9.4 and these can also be downloaded from our mirrors.

May 6, 2024 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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