5107R/5108R: Scientific 6.3 released
Scientific Linux 6.3 has been released. OS updates for Scientific Linux based BlueOnyx 5107R and 5108R are now available.
Scientific Linux 6.3 has just been released, bringing the popular RHEL6 clone and base OS for BlueOnyx 5107R and 5108R closer to RHEL6.3 standards.
Please note:
We just published updated "base-alpine"RPMs to the BlueOnyx 5107R and 5108R YUM repositories, which will help your Scientific Linux based BlueOnyx 5107R and 5108R to fetch the OS updates.
However: It could be that you may have to run "yum clean all" and "yum update" manually to perform the upgrade. If you get an email from your automatic YUM update telling you that the checksum for the YUM repositories did not match, then just login by SSH as "root" and run "yum clean all" and "yum update" manually.
Updated ISO images for BlueOnyx 5107R and 5108R are now available for download. Updated OS templates for OpenVZ and Aventurin{e} will be made available shortly.
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