Fund-raising for a modern theme

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

This is a message from the BlueOnyx developer team and we would like to ask for your attention for a moment.

Fund-raising for a modern BlueOnyx theme:

If you know BlueOnyx and use it yourself, then you sure have some hands on experience with it's GUI interface. And you know, it's neither pretty nor appealing to the eyes. Usability on mobile devices such as phones and tablets is also somewhat limited.

The look and feel of the BlueOnyx GUI interface goes back to the Qube3 and RaQ550 GUI interfaces of the late 1990's. Back then frames, JavaScript and using tables to format the page content were rule of the day. Mechanisms for dynamic content preparation and generation like Ajax, jQuery or design elements such as cascading stylesheets (CSS) weren't yet around.

Sure, the existing GUI gets the job done. But now, more than a decade after its inception, the GUI interface that BlueOnyx inherited from the Qube 3 or RaQ550 just looks like a blast from the past.

We want to change that. And we would like to ask for your help in doing so.

Here is the plan:

There is a beautiful admin template available and it is called "Adminica" (click on the link to take a look). It is from a company called "Tricicle Labs". It provides a detailed framework that can be used to create a beautiful looking and modern GUI interface for BlueOnyx. "Adminica" itself is not a functional GUI by itself. But it contains all the design elements and the look and feel that's required to create a modern and stylish GUI interface.

It supports a liquid and fixed layouts, is powered by jQuery and jQuery UI, uses CSS3 and it also works seamlessly on iPhone, iPad and Android devices as well as on any modern browser.

Our idea is to port BlueOnyx over to use a new GUI interface based on "Adminica". When all is said and done, BlueOnyx will be made available with the new GUI interface free of charge and the new GUI will also be available as a YUM update for existing BlueOnyx users.

How you can help us to help you:

"Adminica" is a commercial theme, professionally done by a very skilled and able designer. He is willing to let us use "Adminica" for BlueOnyx and he also offered us a nice discount on the usual price of $1250,- USD. However, for an open source project that lives from donations and goodwill of it's users and sponsors, this is still a lot of money.

But that is where you can help:

If you like BlueOnyx and also would to enjoy using it with a new and modern theme, then please consider a donation to sponsor the re-theming effort. You can do so by clicking on the "Donate" button below.

  BlueOnyx is available free of charge. For all purposes, may they be personal, commercial, educational or whatever else you might want to use it for. However: Keeping BlueOnyx updated, adding new features to it and releasing updated ISO images is a lot of work. If you like BlueOnyx, then please consider donating something to the project. Thank you and enjoy using BlueOnyx!


The donations via Paypal will be handled by "Stauber Multimedia Design" and will solely be used to fund the development of BlueOnyx and primarily for the re-theming effort to switch BlueOnyx to a new theme based on "Adminica".

Thank you for your time and your kind consideration on behalf of the entire "Team BlueOnyx".

Sep 24, 2012 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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