5209 YUM update: IPv6 support

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

A massive YUM update that adds IPv6 support to BlueOnyx 5209R has just been released.

As mentioned in the previous news article the long awaited IPv6 support for BlueOnyx 5209R is now ready and has just been releaded as regular YUM update.

For more information on the update please see here.

An updated ISO image for BlueOnyx 5209R (BlueOnyx-5209R-CentOS-7.4-20180208.iso) and an OS-Template for Aventurin{e} 6108R have also been uploaded.

Please note:

If you encounter SSL issues after the YUM update has been installed, please run "yum clean all" and "yum update" as "root" from the shell to grab the latest updates which address that issue. Once installed, go to the GUI and under "System Settings", "Security", "PHP Settings" modify at least one setting (which one does not matter) and save. That will fix the issue on all Vsites.

Alternative and if the problem only affects a single Vsite: Modifying any setting of that Vsite will also fix it for that single Vsite.

Feb 8, 2018 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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