BlueOnyx Fundraiser

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

BlueOnyx needs your help and we started a fundraiser for a new development push towards a more modern BlueOnyx.

 BlueOnyx needs your help

We're currently undertaking several large development projects to modernize BlueOnyx and to make your daily server management tasks easier. This is a lot of work and we're short on funding to get it done in a reasonable time frame. If you like BlueOnyx and it provides and added value to your enterprise, then please consider funding our next two development milestones with a donation. We're trying to rise 2.500 Euros (~2800 USD) in order to get it done.

Here is what we're working on:

BlueOnyx 5210R for CentOS 8

Back in December when RHEL8 beta was released we started the preliminary development of BlueOnyx 5210R for CentOS 8. Due to the usual architectural changes in the OS it will take roughly two months (fulltime) to adapt the existing BlueOnyx code-base to RHEL8/CentOS 8.

This is slightly complicated due to the massively newer PHP version that ships with the OS as well as the required CodeIgniter update that needs to be undertaken in order to get the underlying GUI framework running again.

Easy Migrate

This is planned to be a complementary addition to BlueOnyx 5210R to facilliate easier migrations from older BlueOnyx versions towards BlueOnyx 5210R. It replaces the traditional Cobalt Migration Utility (CMU), which still will be included in 5210R, too.

However: Easy Migrate is a shell based and GUI driven utility that will allow you to easily migrate Vsites, their Users, MySQL databases and all applications and their settings between BlueOnyx servers.

Instead of relying on CMU it will use CCE API calls to export/import the configuration and Rsync over SSH to migrate the actual data.

It will take roughly 4-6 weeks fulltime to code and then needs heavy testing to make sure that everything works - even with exotic configurations.

New GUI Theme

Should the fundraiser reach a target of >2000 Euros then BlueOnyx will also receive a new optional theme for the GUI interface. Several interesting templates are currently under evaluation - with the Melon theme being the likely choice.

Due to the way themes are integrated into the BlueOnyx GUI this is also a project that is somewhat time consuming, but it's probable that it can be done in under three weeks fulltime.


If you're interested in seeing these changes being implemented in a timely manner, then please consider a donation. It'll be much appreciated. Thank you!

  BlueOnyx is available free of charge. For all purposes, may they be personal, commercial, educational or whatever else you might want to use it for. However: Keeping BlueOnyx updated, adding new features to it and releasing updated ISO images is a lot of work. If you like BlueOnyx, then please consider donating something to the project. Thank you and enjoy using BlueOnyx!


Jan 18, 2019 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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