Reminder: 5207R/5208R/6108R EOL 30th Nov 2020

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

Small reminder to everyone that CentOS 6 goes EOL on 30th Nov 2020.

With the upcoming End-of-Life of CentOS 6 on 30th Nov 2020 our oldest still supported versions of BlueOnyx (5207R and 5208R) will also reach the end of their life cycle and no further YUM updates or PKGs will be released for them. Aventurin{e} 6108R will also reach it's EOL at the same date.

If you are still using BlueOnyx 5207R or BlueOnyx 5208R, then please make time to migrate to BlueOnyx 5210R (the latest version of BlueOnyx, running on CentOS 8) or at least consider moving to BlueOnyx 5209R, which runs on CentOS 7.

  • BlueOnyx 5209R (on CentOS 7) will be supported until it's EOL date June 30, 2024.
  • BlueOnyx 5210R (on EL 8) will be supported until it's EOL date May 31, 2029.

The easiest and hassle free migration from an older BlueOnyx to a newer one can be achieved via "Easy-Migrate". The procedure for that is nice and clean and it's a quantum leap better than the old CMU migrations.

With that we're bidding a very fond farewell to CentOS 6, which for more than nine years has been a rock solid base OS for four BlueOnyx and two Aventurin{e} platforms.


Nov 1, 2020 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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