Ellis who?

Posted by: mstauber Category: General
The discussion among the developers about project "Ellis" and the CentOS 5 port continues.

The discussion among the developers about project "Ellis" and the CentOS 5 port continues on the developer mailing list.

Brian asks in particular what the plans are for the existing 5100R code tree (for CentOS4) and if it is planned to lock it in favour of devoting all developing effort to 5200R.

After all, it does not make sense to maintain two separate code trees, if around 80% of the code base are equal anyway. So a freeze of the 5100R code tree during the development of 5200R would be the best approach.

For the rest of December 2007 Brian works on the CentOS5 code tree and gets the most crucial core components of the GUI to compile. However, from his preliminary work it is clear that extensive parts of the underlying UI pages and Sausalito modules need to be modified in order to run on PHP5. To those "in the know" it is quite apparent how much work this will be.

In the meantime work on the theoretically obsolete 5100R code tree for CentOS 4 happily continues.

Dec 15, 2007 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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