'Scientific' approach to CentOS6

Posted by: mstauber Category: Development

BlueOnyx 5107R development moves ahead with a slightly different approach.

You know, there are times when I really can't stop cursing at CentOS.

To continue to develop BlueOnyx 5107R for CentOS6 I was still working on a RHEL6 Beta2, which I couldn't get virtualized on OpenVZ. So that meant I had to run a dedicated box for it, which limited my testing efforts a lot. In a virtualized enviromment I can simply fire up a new test box in a matter of seconds. But being unable to virtualize RHEL6 Beta2, I had to run two dedicated boxes: One for coding and building, one for testing.

Now a kind soul was so nice to point me to Scientific Linux, which is another RHEL clone. And guess what? They have had a RHEL6 clone out for the last 3 months. And their SL 6.1 is just about ready to be released. Awesome. \o/

The best part: It's runs just fine under OpenVZ, so I quickly set up a couple of SL6 VPS's to further the development of BlueOnyx 5107R.

So now lets go back at my first sentence: Yeah, I am ranting, I know. But I really can't stop cursing at CentOS. Why the hell do they always end up a few months late and a dollar short? On the other hand I really have to say: Hats off towards the guys at Scientific Linux. They're doing a really great job and I'm thoroughly impressed.

As fine as BlueOnyx runs on Scientific Linux, there is no reason for us not to take that into account when coding. So in the future BlueOnyx will run just fine on both SL6 and CentOS6. IF the later one ever comes out. Sorry, I'm ranting again. ;o)

Jun 25, 2011 Category: Development Posted by: mstauber
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