SL6.1 released, 5107R YUM updates
Scientific Linux 6.1 has been released. The OS related YUM updates are now available. Additionally several BlueOnyx 5107R fixes were released today.
The following updates for BlueOnyx 5107R have been released to the (public) YUM repository:
========== Package ========== Updating: base-alpine-capstone base-alpine-glue base-alpine-locale-da_DK base-alpine-locale-de_DE base-alpine-locale-en_US base-alpine-locale-ja base-alpine-ui base-ssl-capstone base-ssl-glue base-ssl-locale-da_DK base-ssl-locale-de_DE base-ssl-locale-en_US base-ssl-locale-ja base-ssl-ui base-raid-capstone base-raid-glue base-raid-locale-da_DK base-raid-locale-de_DE base-raid-locale-en_US base-raid-locale-ja base-raid-ui Transaction Summary ============================ Upgrade 21 Package(s)
These updates contain the following fixes:
The login.php page of the BlueOnyx GUI wasn't very compatible with mobile devices such as the Apple iPad, iPhone or Android based tablets or phones. So this update contains a new login.php page which is a bit more conforming to standards and which should help with most of these issues.
An eight year old bug was discovered in a base-ssl.mod handler: The mod_ssl.conf file for AdmServ didn't get updated with the path to the SSLCACertificateFile, as the handler was looking for that file in the wrong location. This update fixes that problem.
One include file of base-raid GUI pages still wasn't entirely PHP-5.3 conforming. This update addresses these issues.
Scientific Linux 6.1 updates:
Scientific Linux recently released version 6.1 of their RHEL6 clone. However, they handle minor version updates slightly differently than CentOS: Manual intervention is needed to perform an update from (say) SL 6.0 to SL 6.1. To get the "old" behaviour back, we temporarily serve the RPM "sl-release-6.1" out of the BlueOnyx 5107R YUM repository. That allows a simple "yum update" call to perform an update from Scientific Linux 6.0 to Scientific Linux 6.1. Actually "yum update" needs to run twice. During the first run the "sl-release-6.1" RPM is installed and then during the next (automatic or manual) YUM update process all the OS related updates will be fetched from the Scientific Linux YUM repositories.
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